Cara Saya berbagi tentang : Cara Melindungi USB Dengan Software USB Disk Security Untuk Menambah Wawasan

Cara Saya berbagi tentang Cara Melindungi USB Dengan Software USB Disk Security kepada teman-teman sobat blogger dirumah Tujuan artikel Cara Melindungi USB Dengan Software USB Disk Security menambah wawasan Jika Sobat Suka Dengan Cara Melindungi USB Dengan Software USB Disk Security dapat sharing dengan yang lainnya Ya udah Langsung saja Membaca Cara Melindungi USB Dengan Software USB Disk Security pada blog ini
Cara Melindungi USB Dengan Software USB Disk Security

USB Disk Security

USB Disk Security

Assalammualaikum wr. wb.
Salam sejahtera untuk Sobat blogger semua. Pada kesempatan kali ini saya ingin berbagi sebuah software yang bernama USB Disk Security. Bagi yang belum kenal apa itu software USB Disk SecurityUSB Disk Security adalah sebuah software utilities yang dapat memberikan perlindungan 100% terhadap USB Drive sobat blogger semua.

USB Disk Security itu menggunakan teknologi inovatif proaktif untuk memblokir ancaman-ancaman melalui USB Drive. USB Disk Security bisa juga dibilang software yang terbaik untuk memberikan perlindungan ke drive USB. Selain itu, cara penginstalannya dan penggunaanya pun sangat mudah (User Friendly) dan juga ringan untuk digunakan.

Nah, bagi yang berminat sama software USB Disk Security ini silahkan klik link download berikut ini :
Mungkin software USB Disk Security ini saja yang dapat saya share kali ini, mudah-mudahan USB Disk sobat semua dapat terlindungi dengan aman oleh software ini.
Wassalammualaikum wr. wb.

.: Semoga Bermanfaat :.
Cara Saya berbagi tentang Cara Melindungi USB Dengan Software USB Disk Security kepada teman-teman sobat blogger dirumah Tujuan artikel Cara Melindungi USB Dengan Software USB Disk Security menambah wawasan Jika Sobat Suka Dengan Cara Melindungi USB Dengan Software USB Disk Security dapat sharing dengan yang lainnya

Cara Saya berbagi tentang : Optimasi SEO untuk Yahoo SERP Untuk Menambah Wawasan

Cara Saya berbagi tentang Optimasi SEO untuk Yahoo SERP kepada teman-teman sobat blogger dirumah Tujuan artikel Optimasi SEO untuk Yahoo SERP menambah wawasan Jika Sobat Suka Dengan Optimasi SEO untuk Yahoo SERP dapat sharing dengan yang lainnya Ya udah Langsung saja Membaca Optimasi SEO untuk Yahoo SERP pada blog ini
Optimasi SEO untuk Yahoo SERP - artikel ini adalah bagian dari  Search Engine Optimization untuk Yahoo. 
Sejarah Yahoo!
Dua pendiri Yahoo adalah David Filo dan Jerry Yang ("Jerry dan David's Guide to World Wide Web") memulai kiprah mereka pada tahun 1994 . Semakin lama semakin membuat mereka harus membagi website ke dalam kategori yang lebih, dan terbagi menjadi beberapa kategori dan lebih sub sub kategori. Ini adalah konsep aktual dari Yahoo. Sebuah inti dan jalan kelipatan (kategori) untuk memandu anda dimana anda mau.

Yahoo! Nama singkatan bagi "Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle".
Yahoo! mendapat pertama juta hit per hari pada musim gugur 1994 , menerjemahkan ke hampir 100 ribu pengunjung unik.

Yahoo! mendapatkan investasi $ 2 juta dari Sequoia Capital dan puluhan kapitalis ventura Silicon Valley di Maret 1995 dan Incorporated .

Yahoo menerima dana lain di akhir tahun 1995 dari investor Reuters Ltd dan Softbank.
Yahoo! memiliki penawaran umum perdana pada 12 April 1996 , meningkatkan $ 33.8 juta, dengan menjual 2,6 juta saham dengan harga per saham $ 13.
Pada tahun 2000 stasiun radio berita CNBC melaporkan bahwa Yahoo Inc dan eBay masih membahas untuk memulai merger 50/50.

Pada tahun 2002 Yahoo mengakuisisi Inktomi dan pada Juli 2003 mengakuisisi Overture Services dan anak perusahaan Altavista dan Semua Web. Pada tahun 2004 turun Google Yahoo Powered hasil dan kembali ke menggunakan algoritma sendiri untuk memberikan hasil pencarian dan meluncurkan pencarian sendiri teknologi mesin.

11 Agustus 2005 Yahoo! memperoleh 40% dari $ 1 milyar US, dan Alibaba akan mengambil alih pengoperasian Yahoo! Cina.

Search Engine Yahoo adalah sama pentingnya dengan Google dalam hal SEO, Anda harus memiliki peringkat yang terbaik di SERP's Yahoo atau Anda akan kehilangan beberapa peluang lalu lintas potensial untuk website Anda.
Yahoo memberikan informasi kepada lebih dari 350 juta pengguna per bulan, itu lebih dari Google.
Yahoo bukan hanya sebuah mesin pencari tetapi memiliki berbagai layanan seperti Yahoo mail dan berita Yahoo!

Algoritma Peringkat Yahoo
Algoritma Yahoo tidak jauh dari Algoritma Google tetapi berbeda pada beberapa titik. Yahoo memberikan banyak kepentingan dalam mengambil direktori web sebagai bagian dari Algoritma Ranking-nya. Tragis meman. Jika situs tidak terdaftar di Yahoo Web Directory, maka Anda bisa menunggu waktu yang lama sebelum Anda muncul di Yahoo SERP’s. 
Jika Anda memiliki website bisnis Anda akan harus membayar $ 299 dolar per tahun untuk tetap di dalam Yahoo Web Directory. Untuk organisasi atau situs web informasi Anda bisa mencoba untuk Daftar Gratis situs web Anda ke Yahoo Web Directory

Meskipun membutuhkan waktu agak lama (kira-kira 3 bulan untuk blog saya) ke Yahoo Direktori Web dan setelah itu jangan berharap banyak bahwa situs web Anda akan peringkat di TOP 10 untuk setiap keyword/kata kunci yang Anda targetkan! Anda harus melakukan menindaklanjuti dengan Yahoo Editor dalam rangka untuk mendapatkan website Anda dalam daftar!

Beberapa hal yang perlu anda ambil langkah dalam SEO untuk Yahoo :

1. Title/Nama Situs Anda.
Yang paling penting yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk peringkat Yahoo Anda adalah untuk memasukkan keyword dalam title situs anda . Jika title situs anda tidak mengandung keyword utama, Situs anda tidak akan cukup tinggi peringkatnya pada hasil pencarian di Search Engine (SE) Yahoo.
Keyword sekali dalam judul sudah dianggap cukup. Jangan ambil resiko untuk mengulang kata. Dari penelitian saya, tidak ada situs yang membuat title situs dengan pengulangan kata-kata. Hal ini juga untuk menghindari spam oleh SE Yahoo.

2. Deskripsi
Memasukkan keyword dalam deskripsi juga mempunyai pengaruh untuk mendorong situs anda ke peringkat terbaik. Tapi, jangan mengulang kata terlalu banyak. 

3. Popularitas Link
Popularitas Link adalah bagian dari Yahoo Algoritma, di Google tidak banyak menempatkan bahwa untuk menentukan peringkat satu website. Semakin banyak pengunjung klik di situs Web Anda dari Yahoo SERP's, semakin Anda akan mendapatkan dekat dengan Peringkat Top 10.

4. URL
Nama URL terdapat keyword juga mempunyai pengaruh untuk peringkat terbaik anda selain yang tersebut diatas (deskripsi, judul, kategori).
Apakah perlu untuk mendapatkan nama domain yang kaya keyword jika Anda putus asa untuk mencapai sepuluh besar? Tidak menurut pendapat saya, kecuali itu anda memasukkan keyword Anda pada title situs Anda.

5. Kategori
Bila terdaftar dalam kategori yang memiliki keyword di dalam namanya pasti meningkatkan peringkat Anda untuk keyword tersebut. Lebih dari memiliki keyword dalam URL dan lebih dari memiliki keyword dalam deskripsi Anda, tetapi kurang daripada memiliki keyword di title.

6. PageRank
PageRank juga mempengaruhi peringkat anda di Yahoo! Kurang dari memiliki keyword di judul atau dalam nama kategori Anda, tetapi tidak memainkan peranan. Hal ini memberikan secercah kecil harapan bagi semua orang yang telah sengaja menyampaikan keterangan yang belum jelas atau judul/title ke Yahoo. Anda tidak dapat memperbaiki situasi sepenuhnya, namun ada baiknya untuk mengetahui bahwa setidaknya ada sesuatu yang dapat Anda lakukan bahkan jika Anda tidak bisa mendapatkan Yahoo untuk mengubah deskripsi dan title situs anda.

Karena Yahoo! adalah pertama didirikan adalah sebuah direktori untuk pengajuan dan kemudian juga untuk search engine (dengan Google itu justru sebaliknya), sebuah situs, yang memiliki keyword dalam kategori ini tercantum di bawahnya, akan berpeluang besar untuk berada di awal SERP’s Yahoo! Untuk Google tidaklah penting.Untuk keyword Yahoo! pada nama file juga mempunyai skor baik, sedangkan untuk Google ini bukan faktor penting yang luar biasa.

Tetapi perbedaan utama adalah kepadatan keyword. Semakin tinggi kepadatan, semakin tinggi posisi situs anda di Yahoo! 
Tapi berhati-hatilah, beberapa situs dengan banyak keyword di Yahoo! Dapat jatuh peringkatnya kategori di Google, jadi jika Anda mencoba untuk skor baik di Yahoo! (dengan kepadatan kata kunci di atas 7-8%), Anda berisiko untuk dilarang oleh Google!

Anda harus mengirimkan website Anda melalui web direktori dan mesin pencari Yahoo. Berikut adalah link: Yahoo Website Gratis Permintaan.

Jangan mengirimkan semua halaman web satu per satu, Anda hanya perlu mengirimkan halaman rumah Anda, proses pengajuan masuk katagori spamming bisa mengakibatkan larangan dari situs web Anda pada mesin pencari Yahoo dan Anda tidak pernah mungkin muncul pada Yahoo SERP's.

Semoga anda sukses dan berdoa untuk menyerahkan situs Anda ke Yahoo Web Directory dan menikmati kenaikkan peringkat situs anda di Search Engine Yahoo Top 10!

Cara Saya berbagi tentang Optimasi SEO untuk Yahoo SERP kepada teman-teman sobat blogger dirumah Tujuan artikel Optimasi SEO untuk Yahoo SERP menambah wawasan Jika Sobat Suka Dengan Optimasi SEO untuk Yahoo SERP dapat sharing dengan yang lainnya

Cara Saya berbagi tentang : Cara Root Samsung Galaxy Note Untuk Menambah Wawasan

Cara Saya berbagi tentang Cara Root Samsung Galaxy Note kepada teman-teman sobat blogger dirumah Tujuan artikel Cara Root Samsung Galaxy Note menambah wawasan Jika Sobat Suka Dengan Cara Root Samsung Galaxy Note dapat sharing dengan yang lainnya Ya udah Langsung saja Membaca Cara Root Samsung Galaxy Note pada blog ini
Sebelum melanjutkan, pastikan untuk membackup semua data Anda. Tutorial ini memerlukan file.Tar, Odin dan driver terbaru untuk Galaxy Note [Official Website]. Perlu diingat bahwa Anda akan kehilangan garansi Anda jika Anda root perangkat Anda.
by : macberry cell Lantai 4 blok e no 319 itc cempaka mas no hp : 02199552730/085640575730

Step 1: Download PDA.tar [Direct Download] and place it on your desktop for easy access later on.
Step 2: Download ODIN 1.85 [Direct Download]. This is the tool we will use to flash the pre-rooted kernel. Extract the .zip file’s contents using appropriate software (we recommend 7zip). Launch it.
Step 3: Turn off your Galaxy Note. Once it is completely shut down, press and hold Volume Down + Power/Lock buttons until you see a screen that asks you to press Volume Up to continue. Doing so will put your phone in download mode.
Step 4: Your smartphone (or is it a tablet?) will now be detected by ODIN.
Step 5: From ODIN, click on PDA and select PDA.tar file which you downloaded in Step 1.
Step 6: Click on Start to begin rooting procedure. Your device may reboot multiple times; this is normal behavior so there is nothing to be worried about.
Step 7: Once your device is rebooted for the final time, launch Android Market and search forSuperUser [Market Link] and install it.
If you followed the steps correctly, your Samsung Galaxy Note for AT&T/TELUS/Bell will now be rooted on Android 2.3.6 Gingerbread. Go ahead and check out cool root-only apps like Network Spoofer and WiFiKill but remember what Uncle Ben said, “With great power comes great responsibility!”

For queries, check out the official thread over on XDA-Developers.
sumber copast:
Cara Saya berbagi tentang Cara Root Samsung Galaxy Note kepada teman-teman sobat blogger dirumah Tujuan artikel Cara Root Samsung Galaxy Note menambah wawasan Jika Sobat Suka Dengan Cara Root Samsung Galaxy Note dapat sharing dengan yang lainnya

Cara Saya berbagi tentang : Franchise Minimarket Indonesia Omsetnya Kian Meroket Untuk Menambah Wawasan

Cara Saya berbagi tentang Franchise Minimarket Indonesia Omsetnya Kian Meroket kepada teman-teman sobat blogger dirumah Tujuan artikel Franchise Minimarket Indonesia Omsetnya Kian Meroket menambah wawasan Jika Sobat Suka Dengan Franchise Minimarket Indonesia Omsetnya Kian Meroket dapat sharing dengan yang lainnya Ya udah Langsung saja Membaca Franchise Minimarket Indonesia Omsetnya Kian Meroket pada blog ini

bisnis franchise minimarket 200x150 Bisnis Franchise Minimarket Omsetnya Kian MeroketKebutuhan barang-barang pokok seperti sembako, alat tulis kantor, serta beberapa perabot rumah tangga lainnya mendorong perkembangan bisnis minimarket semakin meningkat di berbagai daerah. Saat ini tidak hanya usaha toko kelontong saja yang saling berlomba memenuhi kebutuhan pokok masyarakat, namun para pelaku bisnis minimarket juga tertarik memanfaatkan kebutuhan tersebut sebagai salah satu peluang bisnis yang sangat menjanjikan.
Tidaklah heran bila saat ini tempat berbelanja model minimarket lebih mendominasi jika dibandingkan dengan perkembangan toko kelontong maupun pasar tradisional yang dulunya menjadi tujuan utama para konsumen. Bahkan di Indonesia sendiri perkembangan bisnis minimarket bisa mencapai ribuan gerai setiap tahunnya. Hal ini disebabkan oleh perilaku para pengusaha yang mulai tertarik mengembangkan bisnisnya dengan sistem kemitraan seperti franchise.
Yang menjadi target pasar bisnis franchise minimarket adalah semua kalangan masyarakat di berbagai daerah. Mulai dari ibu rumah tangga, pelajar, mahasiswa, sampai masyarakat umum lainnya memilih minimarket karena tempat tersebut menawarkan produk yang lengkap serta memiliki display tempat yang nyaman bagi para konsumen. Sehingga dengan harga produk yang bersaing, kehadiran minimarket mampu merebut hati konsumen di berbagai pelosok daerah. Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia
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Cara Saya berbagi tentang Franchise Minimarket Indonesia Omsetnya Kian Meroket kepada teman-teman sobat blogger dirumah Tujuan artikel Franchise Minimarket Indonesia Omsetnya Kian Meroket menambah wawasan Jika Sobat Suka Dengan Franchise Minimarket Indonesia Omsetnya Kian Meroket dapat sharing dengan yang lainnya

Cara Saya berbagi tentang : Offsite SEO Can’t Save a Bad Website Untuk Menambah Wawasan

Cara Saya berbagi tentang Offsite SEO Can’t Save a Bad Website kepada teman-teman sobat blogger dirumah Tujuan artikel Offsite SEO Can’t Save a Bad Website menambah wawasan Jika Sobat Suka Dengan Offsite SEO Can’t Save a Bad Website dapat sharing dengan yang lainnya Ya udah Langsung saja Membaca Offsite SEO Can’t Save a Bad Website pada blog ini
A strong SEO campaign can do a lot of things for your website and your online business. It can help increase your overall online presence, drive more targeted traffic to your website, improve your site’s visibility in the search engines, build your brand’s industry authority and much more. But there is one thing that offsite SEO can’t do, no matter how much time or money you put into creating and implementing your campaign—offsite SEO can’t save a bad website.
In the end, how “good” or “bad” a website is mostly boils down to the user experience. Here are three components of the user experience that all the offsite SEO in the world can’t fix:
Poor Navigation
Offsite SEO can help make your website look more appealing to the search engines, but without a great site waiting at the end that entire link building strategy is essentially null and void. Links are not going to convince a visitor to convert, your website is. And in order to convert visitors have to be able to easily navigate your website. How many pages do they have to dig through to find a phone number or fill out a lead form? Is the top level navigation well organized so they can get directly from the homepage to a deeper, internal page? Do they know what step to take next in order to make a purchase? A website that doesn’t walk visitors through the conversion process is probably going to see a high bounce rate because people aren’t willing to dig through a site. They’ll happily visit your competitor’s site because it’s easier to navigate.
Lack of Content
Content is arguably the single most important thing on your website. That content is what the search engines use to “read” and index your website and what convinces visitors to act. If your website just has the bare bones of content, how can you possible expect to instill enough trust in your visitors that they want to do business with you? You don’t have to put every single piece of information a potential customer could want on one page, but you need to give them enough content so that they want to learn/read more.
Cluttered Pages
The opposite of not having enough content, having block and blocks of text plus images, videos, ads and more can also ruin the user experience. You want to make it as easy as possible for visitors to find the information that they need. While there is a place and time for long content, you don’t want to scare potential customers away by trying to give them too much to look at and do at one time. Remember, the end goal of your website is get visitors to convert. If there is too much to click on, look at or read on a single page you risk losing their attention.
Cara Saya berbagi tentang Offsite SEO Can’t Save a Bad Website kepada teman-teman sobat blogger dirumah Tujuan artikel Offsite SEO Can’t Save a Bad Website menambah wawasan Jika Sobat Suka Dengan Offsite SEO Can’t Save a Bad Website dapat sharing dengan yang lainnya

Cara Saya berbagi tentang : Berbagai Keunikan Google yang Jarang Diketahui Untuk Menambah Wawasan

Cara Saya berbagi tentang Berbagai Keunikan Google yang Jarang Diketahui kepada teman-teman sobat blogger dirumah Tujuan artikel Berbagai Keunikan Google yang Jarang Diketahui menambah wawasan Jika Sobat Suka Dengan Berbagai Keunikan Google yang Jarang Diketahui dapat sharing dengan yang lainnya Ya udah Langsung saja Membaca Berbagai Keunikan Google yang Jarang Diketahui pada blog ini
Berbagai Keunikan Google yang Jarang Diketahui Mesin pencari nomor satu ini memang sudah banyak dikenal untuk digunakan dalam berbagai hal yang berkaitan dengan pencarian berkas di internet. Tapi, mungkin banyak yang belum tahu bahwa google bisa menjadi situs yang menarik karena banyak tips dan trik yang menarik di dalamnya. Tertarik mencoba?

Google Berguling 360 derajat

Buka Google ( ) dan ketikkan do a barrel roll, maka sebelum selesai mengetik, lihat kejutan dengan tampilan animasi halaman google yang memutar 360 derajat.Tampilan Google setelah mengetik do a barrel roll

Logo dan Menu Google Berjatuhan

Buka halaman web google, kemudian ketikkan google gravity, tetapi jangan di tekan Enter terlebih dahulu, melainkan klik link I’m Feeling Lucky (jika membuka atau klik Saya lagi beruntung (ketika membuka dan lihat animasi yang muncul setelahnya.
masih ada yang unik, kita bisa menarik logo atau link-link yang berjatuhan dan menggeser atau melempar keatas, dan otomatis mereka akan jatuh kembali, seakan karena adanya gaya gravitasi.
Google Gravity

Tampilan Halaman Google Miring

Sebelumnya tips ini bisa didapatkan dengan mengetikkan kata atau pencarian tilt. Alternatifnya, ketikkan kata pencarian askew, dan lihat perubahan tampilan google yang sekarang menjadi miring.
Google Tilt

Animasi Google Bergerak Berbentuk Bola/Bulatan

Buka halaman web kemudian ketikkan kata google sphere tetapi jangan di tekan enter, melainkan klik lagi link I’m feeling Lucky atau Saya lagi beruntung (dalam bahasa Indonesia) dan lihat perubahan tampilan web google. Halaman awal Google akan berubah dan bergerak mengikuti bentuk bola.
Google sphere

Tulisan Google Makin Membesar

Cobalah ketik Epic Google dan pakai I’m Feeling Lucky/Saya Lagi Beruntung. Halaman awal google akan makin membesar dan membesar.
Epic google

Teks Google yang Menari

Ketikkan google loco dan pakai I’m Feeling Lucky/Saya Lagi Beruntung. Teks Google akan Menari dan setiap kita mengetik di kotak search, maka kotak search itu akan berubah-ubah warnanya.
Google loco

Siapa Yang Termanis?

Penasaran? Cobalah ketik who is the cutest di google, gunakan I’m Feeling Lucky/Saya lagi Beruntung. Google akan menunjukkan siapa yang termanis menurutnya!
Jika anda mempunyai tips atau trik lain berkaitan dengan mesin pencari Google ini, silahkan berbagi melalui komentar. Jika dengan web browser yang digunakan tidak tampil seperti animasi atau efek diatas, mungkin web browser yang digunakan tidak mendukung, coba gunakan browser terbaru semisal Chrome atau Firefox.
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Cara Saya berbagi tentang : Protecting NASA From Hackers Is Not Rocket Science, Say Analysts Untuk Menambah Wawasan

Cara Saya berbagi tentang Protecting NASA From Hackers Is Not Rocket Science, Say Analysts kepada teman-teman sobat blogger dirumah Tujuan artikel Protecting NASA From Hackers Is Not Rocket Science, Say Analysts menambah wawasan Jika Sobat Suka Dengan Protecting NASA From Hackers Is Not Rocket Science, Say Analysts dapat sharing dengan yang lainnya Ya udah Langsung saja Membaca Protecting NASA From Hackers Is Not Rocket Science, Say Analysts pada blog ini

Protecting NASA From Hackers Is Not Rocket Science, Say Analysts

Protecting NASA From Hackers Is Not Rocket Science, Say Analysts
Hackers have been having a field day with NASA systems, the space agency's inspector general has confessed. The problem may be due in part to underfunding, but 

Hackers have been having a field day with NASA systems, the space agency's inspector general has confessed. The problem may be due in part to underfunding, but security experts suggest some relatively simple and inexpensive measures could significantly improve the situation. "The major, major problem hurting NASA is they don't have a strong IT governance approach," said John Pescatore, security analyst with Gartner Research.

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NASA has become a popular target of hackers. The space agency's computer network was breached 13 times in 2011 -- to the point where suspected Chinese hackers gained "full functional control" of computers used by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory," a government inspector general told congressional investigators.
The agency spends just US$58 million of its $1.5 billion annual budget on computer security, NASA inspector general Paul Martin said recently.
That low priority extends to physical security. Codes controlling the International Space Station, along with data on the agency's Constellation and Orion programs, were exposed after personnel lost unencrypted notebook computers, Martin told the U.S. House Committee on Science, Space and Technology.

Hackers Gained 'Full Control' of NASA Computers

In November, NASA learned hackers had taken "full functional control" of computers based at the JPL, according to the inspector general. The attack -- routed through an IP address based in China -- permitted them to steal NASA credentials, cover their tracks, and upload software designed to exploit further security vulnerabilities.
"Our review disclosed that the intruders had compromised the accounts of the most privileged JPL users, giving the intruders access to most of JPL's networks" Martin testified.

UK-Based NASA Hacker

Gary McKinnon, a 45-year-old hacker based in the UK, is accused of breaking into NASA computers, among other U.S. government networks during 2001 and 2002. In February, a 20-year-old hacker that went by the handle "TinKode" was arrested by Romanian police, charged with infiltrating NASA computers.
Although the agency watchdog suggests the rather trivial amount of spending aimed at computer security is to blame for the repeated hacking, the problem may be more deeply rooted.

'The Real Issue Is NASA'

It's no surprise the space agency has become a playground for hackers, said John Pescatore, security analyst with Gartner (NYSE: IT) Research.
"The real issue is NASA," he told TechNewsWorld.
"The major, major problem hurting NASA is they don't have a strong IT governance approach," said Pescatore.
NASA is like a fiefdom of competing opinions, he said, over things like whether to base networks on Windows or Macs, or whether laptops should carry security software. While these issues have been long resolved in the corporate world, NASA is different.

More Like a College Campus

"There is no such thing as a secure system that is not well-managed," Pescatore said.
The Social Security Administration, he noted, has top-down security rules governing everything from the type of computer employees can use to the brand of security installed on every desktop and laptop holding Social Security Numbers.
By comparison, NASA is "more like a college campus," Pescatore observed.
Although NASA's distributed organization helped during the U.S. push to the moon, what was once an advantage has become a negative. With the agency's lack of a clear mission following the end of space shuttle flights, the focus has moved away from security, he said.

Top Priorities: Stronger Leadership

What does NASA need to do to improve security? If he were made security czar, Pescatore said, his first move would be give NASA's chief information officer more power to enforce rules regarding security.
As Martin's testimony before Congress showed, the agency's CIO "can't enforce anything" now, he noted.
Another goal should be to reduce the number of entrances into NASA computer networks now available to hackers, Pescatore continued.
As the U.S. Defense Department discovered when its networks came under cyberattack, the agency must reduce the number of "trusted Internet connections" and closely watch their activity, he said.

NASA Is 'Hacker Honey'

Improvoing NASA security measures should start with the realization that its networks are "hacker honey," said independent security analyst Randy Abrams.
Unlike other agencies that might have data of direct commercial appeal, NASA is more of aRubik's Cube for hackers, he said. Because the space agency's computers hold interesting information and hackers tend to be intelligent, it makes an "enticing target."
One of Abrams' favorite vacation activities is to see what information tourists unwittingly left behind when using a hotel's public computers.
Although brainy, NASA employees may not be trained to avoid simple security mistakes, he suggested, and it might be a good idea for NASA to "phish" its staff to uncover security weaknesses.
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Cara Saya berbagi tentang : Aplle Ipad 3 Review on 2012 Untuk Menambah Wawasan

Cara Saya berbagi tentang Aplle Ipad 3 Review on 2012 kepada teman-teman sobat blogger dirumah Tujuan artikel Aplle Ipad 3 Review on 2012 menambah wawasan Jika Sobat Suka Dengan Aplle Ipad 3 Review on 2012 dapat sharing dengan yang lainnya Ya udah Langsung saja Membaca Aplle Ipad 3 Review on 2012 pada blog ini
CNET tracks all the Apple iPad 3 rumors--from the likely to the crazy--that we've heard so far.
With the success Apple is enjoying with the iPad 2, we're not sure it even needs to make an iPad 3.
It will, of course--even if it doesn't use that name. We now know that Apple is unveiling its next iPad in San Francisco on Wednesday, March 7. But until then, it's open season on iPad 3 rumors.
In this ongoing blog post, we'll be collecting the best, most interesting rumors and predictions for the next Apple tablet. Which of these rumors will pan out? We'll know soon enough.
Looking for an iPhone 5 rumor roundup? We have one of those too.
March 6
New claim says iPad HD will have 4G LTE
Citing a source familiar with the upcoming tablet, Reuters reported that the next iPad will support 4G Long-Term Evolution (LTE) networking, a technology that is faster than 3G, and that has become prevalent inside smartphones and tablets made by Apple's competitors. This adds to previous such claims from competitors Bloomberg and The Wall Street Journal (see below).
March 5
Next iPad to be called "iPad HD"
A developer who previously provided reliable information with respect to things Apple and otherwise tells CNET that the next iPad uses the HD moniker instead of going with "iPad 3." VentureBeat posted similar information, adding that Apple is shopping for sub-8-inch screens for a smaller model to release later this year.
March 4
Is this what the iPad 3 will look like?
M.I.C. Gadget, a China-based blog, posted a video of various alleged iPad 3 parts, including the front glass and rear shell, showing what the new device might look like when put together.
March 2
iPads running iOS 6 crop up in Web traffic logs
Ars Technica published some analysis of its latest traffic logs, pointing to the fact that it has received visits from iPads running iOS 6, and that those devices are located around Apple's headquarters in Cupertino, Calif.
iPad 3 to be called iPad HD
An alleged part listing from iPad accessory manufacturers refers to the third-generation iPad as the iPad HD. Given the wealth of rumors pointing to an iPad with a high-resolution display, the moniker would seem fitting.
Will the iPad 3 really cost more? New rumor: Nope
Pointing to parts and pricing information provided by an anonymous source who has proved reliable in the past, 9to5Mac says that Apple's new lineup of iPad models will carry the same capacities and price tags as existing versions. The report contradicts a posting from earlier in the month that suggested the iPad 3 would carry a premium price tag.
March 1
iPad 3 could be in short supply
Supplies of the high-resolution display panels expected in the next iPad could be tight, according to a source and an Asia-based report.
iPad 3 screen glass photographed
More alleged photos of the iPad 3's front glass have cropped up, possibly putting to rest whether the device will nix the home button. The glass depicts two colors of iPad 3: black and white.
iPad 3 a significant update, solves 4G energy demands
Sterne Agee analyst Shaw Wu predicts that the iPad 3 will offer significant updates to the current model, including 4G LTE, Siri, processor performance, and screen quality. The 4G LTE implementation will be unique, apparently, avoiding the energy demands that plague most 4G devices.
Apple prepping 8GB iPad
A report from DigiTimes says Apple will follow its earlier iPhone move and offer a cheaper iPad 2 to flank the iPad 3 on store shelves. The move would allow Apple to cover other segments of the tablet market, including those currently controlled by cheaper alternatives, like the Amazon Kindle Fire or Barnes & Noble Nook Tablet.
February 29
7.85-inch iPad due in Q3
DigiTimes reports that Apple will produce a smaller iPad with a 7.85-inch screen due out in the third quarter of 2012. The model is expected to sell for around $299, and use the same 1,024x768-pixel screen resolution found on the iPad 2.
February 28
iPad 3 casts off home button
There's a curious omission on the imagery of the iPad-theme invitation Apple released for its March 7 event: there's no home button in sight. The simplest explanation is that it's a photo of an iPad 2 on its side. It is possible, however, that Apple could make the move entirely to multifinger gesture control on the iPad 3, replacing the need for a home button.
February 27
iPad 3 report suggests pricier models on the way
A pricing matrix that appeared on Chinese microblogging site Sina Weibo over the weekend suggested that the iPad 3 will carry a pricing premium over the iPad 2, with entry-level models starting at $579 for Wi-Fi only, and $699 for the version with 3G cellular networking.
iPad 3 could already be winging toward an airport near you
An alleged shipping document posted over the weekend from Chinese forum site WeiPhone has iPad 3 units already on the way to a number of U.S. cities, including Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York City.
Best Buy trims $50 off iPad 2
Hinting that a new model could be just around the corner, Best Buy cut $50 off the price of existing iPad 2 units. The retailer has been known to cut prices of popular products before, but the timing is suspect given murmurs of an upcoming event for a new model.

iPad 3: Key feature upgrades (photos)

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February 24
Future iPads, iPhones to get smaller dock port?
A report from iMore says Apple is on the cusp of switching to a smaller version of its dock port in iOS gadgets to make room for other components. Next on the list to get that, the report said, was the iPhone, with Apple's next iPad a possibility, too.
A crisper looking shot of the two displays under a microscope.
A crisper-looking shot of the two displays under a microscope.
(Credit: iFixit)
February 23
Supposed iPad 3 display goes under the microscope again
That display that may or may not belong to Apple's next iPad went under a microscope yet again, this time from the folks at iFixit, who have provided considerably clearer shots of the high-density panel, as well as a side-by-side video of it compared with the same part from the iPad 2.
February 22
Smaller iPad in 'testing stage,' says research firm
Adding to a separate report about Apple testing a smaller version of the iPad, Taipei-based market research firm TrendForce weighed in, saying its heard similar chatter. The firm added that if Apple were to introduce such a device, it would probably arrive near the end of 2012, right before Christmas.
February 21
Is this iPad 3's glass front?
A new shot making the rounds shows the glass front of the iPad 3, with the home button and holes for the front-facing camera and ambient-light sensor, in the same spots as last year's model.
February 19
Photos claim to expose inside, outside of iPad 3 
Two separate reports pulled together alleged leaked photos of the iPad 3. One of those, from Chinese site WeiPhone, includes a shot of a purported circuit board for the device with an "A5X" processor, not the A6 as has been rumored. A separate report from Taiwanese blog Apple Daily showed photos of what it said was the finished metal back of an iPad 3, which sports a notably larger camera on the back of the device.
February 17
Is this the iPad 3's Retina Display?
A purported photo of the iPad 3's display is published by MacRumors. A microscopic inspection shows it to have more pixels than the current model, while maintaining the iPad's same 4:3 aspect ratio and 9.7-inch screen size.
A smaller iPad in the works perhaps?
A smaller iPad in the works perhaps?
(Credit: GeekGloss)
February 14
Supplier chatter points to smaller 8-inch iPad
The Wall Street Journal reports that Apple is talking to component suppliers about an iPad with a smaller screen. This rumor matches up with a previous rumor that Apple may create three tiers of iPads, including a smaller model offered at an entry-level price.
February 13
Verizon and AT&T to back iPad 3 4G capability
The two telecom carriers will carry a next-generation iPad running on the fast, next-generation wireless technology, sources tell The Wall Street Journal. Both carriers currently offer versions of the iPad 2 that make use of their respective 3G networks.
February 10
Apple March announcement, iPad 2S a possibility
A source quoted by the New York Times claims that the next generation of the iPad will be announced in early March 2012, and will look very similar to the iPad 2. The article goes on to speculate that the new iPad may not be called "iPad 3," considering how Apple's modestly updated iPhone 4S was thought to be called the iPhone 5.
February 9
iPad 3 launch to coincide with iOS 5.1
Profiles created for different iPhone operators point to early March as a possible date for the release of iOS 5.1, one that could coincide with the debut of the iPad 3.
February 9
Alleged iPad 3 Retina Display photographed
Leaked photos surface of what looks to be a new iPad-compatible high-resolution display. The panel is manufactured by Sharp, matching up with one previous rumor.
February 8
iPad 3 A5 processor will not be quad-core
A survey of current chipmakers leads to the conclusion that Apple will not use a quad-core chip on the iPad 3. Doing so would result in a serious hit on battery life and power efficiency--cornerstones of the iPad's success.
February 8
iPad 3 housing reveals internal changes
Analysis of a purported photo of an iPad 3 housing shows evidence of a redesigned logic board, larger battery, new camera, and new LCD panel. The housing is apparently no thicker than the iPad 2's, perhaps disproving the rumor that the iPad 3 will be slightly thicker to accommodate its new screen.
February 6
Sharp IGZO display possible for iPad 3
DisplaySearch analyst Charles Annis believes that Sharp's IGZO display technology is still a potential candidate for inclusion on the iPad 3. The analyst cites Sharp's current high-volume production of the panel, in spite of the fact that no commercial product has yet to use it.
February 2
Remember that rumored February iPad 3 event? Make it March
The rumor about a February iPad 3 introduction from Japanese Apple blog Macotakara last month got amended. The outlet's latest report says we can expect it to go down in March instead. The site added that Apple is still on track to have an event in February, but said the company won't usher in a new tablet.
February 1
Supposed iPad 3 debug data teases A6 chip, 4G data
Someone's already gotten his hands on an iPad 3, Boy Genius Report says. That person was even kind enough to send Boy Genius Report some photos of screenshots of a debugging routine that unearthed the name of the processor in the new model, as well as evidence there will be two distinct models. The big tidbits in the report were that there would be a quad-core chip and 4G LTE wireless networking, adding on to Bloomberg's report from January 13 (listed below).
January 19
Case manufacturers building iPad 3 cases, sans specs
Building an accessory for a gadget you don't have the specs for seems like a pretty bad idea, but that hasn't stopped at least one manufacturer. Chinese accessory maker Chinee has developed a case for Apple's next iPad based on information it has from an AppleInsider. Any big differences? The case is set up to allow for a model that's a tad thicker than Apple's current model.
January 17
iPad 3 to get February intro, March release
Citing an Asian supplier and "a source in United States," Japanese Apple blog Macotakara says Apple is cooking up a special event in "early February" to take the wraps off its next iPad, with a formal launch of the product taking place sometime the following month.
iPad 3 screen production ramping up strongly
Taiwanese news site DigiTimes claims that Sharp and LG Display are set to churn out 6 million to 7 million 9.7-inch QXGA panels in the next two and a half months, bumping that number up to 10 million produced during the second quarter. Meanwhile, production of iPad 2 panels is said to be tapering, with iPad 3 panel production set to outpace it in the second quarter.
January 13
iPad 3 to arrive in March with 4G LTE
According to a report from Bloomberg, the iPad 3 will land in the calendar first quarter with a quad-core chip and 4G LTE wireless networking.
January 11
Sharp out as an iPad 3 display manufacturer
Korean industry site Electronic Times Internet News publishes a report claiming that Sharp is out as a supplier for iPad 3 displays. Sharp had originally been rumored to be a main manufacturer of the high-density displays used in the iPad 3; the report suggests that the company did not meet Apple's specifications in its initial run of displays.
January 10
Pegatron has iPad 3 order for March, iPad 4 in October
Pegatron Technology, one of the major manufacturers of Apple's iPad, has already begun filling an order of iPad 3 units, to be released in March, DigiTimes reports. The report also says Pegatron is on deck to produce between 7 million and 10 million iPad 4 units, set to be released in October.
The iPad 2's rear camera.
The iPad 2's rear camera.
(Credit: James Martin/CNET)
January 5
iPad 3 cameras going high-def
Bundling together a bevy of iPad 3 rumors, iLounge weighs in, saying the next iPad will sport better cameras than the iPad 2. That includes the front-facing camera, which comes in VGA quality on the current model. iLounge says Apple plans to bump it up to HD, while giving the rear camera the same module found in the iPhone 4S.
January 3
Three models, starting at $299
DigiTimes reports that Apple may create three tiers of iPad, allowing the existing iPad 2 model to linger as an inexpensive entry-level option.
December 12
iPad 3 expected in March/April 2012
After a supply chain analysis, DigiTimes predicts that Apple's iPad 3 will be ready for retail in three to four months. Given that the original iPad was released in April and the iPad 2 released in mid-March, the timing of this prediction seems consistent with Apple's history.
November 22
iPad 3 will be thinner with low-power non-IPS display
Forbes claims that Apple will ditch its IPS technology for a lower-powered Sharp display with a higher resolution and a thinner profile that will allow for a thinner overall design.
November 16
iPad 3 to use Qualcomm 4G LTE Gobi 4000 chip
Qualcomm is the current manufacturer for the 3G mobile chip inside the iPhone 4S, so it stands to reason that Apple may take advantage of its latest and greatest chip for use in the iPad 3. Using the 4G-compatible mobile chip would make the iPad 3 the first 4G device Apple has produced.
The Retina Display found in Apple's latest iPhones and iPods is rumored to be headed to the iPad 3.
The Retina Display found in Apple's latest iPhones and iPods is rumored to be headed to the iPad 3.
(Credit: Apple)
October 26
iPad 3 QXGA display
Of all the iOS devices out there (including the iPhone and iPod Touch), the iPad is the last to receive the upgrade to Apple's Retina Display technology. The problem is that touch-screen manufacturers simply cannot yet make panels at the iPad's size with the same 326ppi pixel density. They can get close, though. QXGA resolution (2,048x1,536 pixels) gets you a pixel density of 264ppi, which is twice that of the iPad 2.
Also see: iPad 3's dense display a challenge for manufacturers
October 22
iPad 3 to use new dock connection type
With Apple pushing the benefits of the wireless "PC-free" features of iOS 5, it seems only a matter of time before Apple's universal dock connection disappears like some kind of vestigial tale carried over from its iPod ancestry. But before it disappears entirely, the folks at Macotakara believe there will be a new type of dock connection introduced that will break compatibility with all previous docking accessories.
October 15
Siri on iPad
The Apple iPhone 4S was sold almost entirely on two features: a better camera and a new virtual assistant named Siri. Software hackers quickly found a way to enable the iPad's version of the Siri assistant, buried in the code for iOS 5. Unfortunately, without the cooperation of Apple's servers, Siri will not work on iOS devices that Apple has not yet deemed ready for the feature.
Source: Redmond Pie
September 6
iPad 3 to use thinner battery
This is another rather obvious prediction. In Apple's view, mobile technology can never be too thin. The iPad's current construction is devoted mostly to its battery, so a lighter, slimmer battery is crucial to further whittling down its design.
August 26
iPad 3 to use A6 processor
The idea that Apple's next-generation iPad would use a next-generation processor is to be expected. The more interesting tidbit from this rumor is that the chip may not be ready in time for the iPad's expected spring debut, pushing the product back to fall.
June 7
Two iPad 3 models
Could 2012 hold two iPads instead of just one? This rumor goes hand in hand with the rumor of the iPad Mini, then goes further to claim that it will live side by side with the original 10-inch model. The premise for the rumor stems from code within iOS 5, which is more than can be said of most of the rumors on this list.
A shot of i3D app for iOS.
A shot of i3D app for iOS.
(Credit: Video screenshot by Amanda Kooser/CNE)
May 5
3D iPad
Everyone predicted that 3D was going to be huge in 2011. It wasn't. 3D TVs were a bust, the Nintendo 3Ds had to slash its price to compete, and 3D movies became synonymous with garbage. Still, the 3D display technology rumored for the iPad 3 could succeed where others have failed. By leveraging head-tracking camera software and the existing gyroscope sensor, iPad apps and videos could be made to trick your senses into perceiving 3D, with no glasses required.
February 10
Less expensive iPad Mini
The iPad's fiercest competition comes from inexpensive 7-inch tablets, such as the Amazon Kindle Fire and the Barnes & Noble Nook Tablet. Steve Jobs famously called the iPad's 7-inch competitors "dead on arrival," but there's good reason to believe that Apple won't just ignore this growing threat. A 7-inch iPad with a $300 price tag could be just the thing to extinguish the Kindle Fire.

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