Cara Saya berbagi tentang : A gigabit per second, that’s the future of home internet in South Korea Untuk Menambah Wawasan

Cara Saya berbagi tentang A gigabit per second, that’s the future of home internet in South Korea kepada teman-teman sobat blogger dirumah Tujuan artikel A gigabit per second, that’s the future of home internet in South Korea menambah wawasan Jika Sobat Suka Dengan A gigabit per second, that’s the future of home internet in South Korea dapat sharing dengan yang lainnya Ya udah Langsung saja Membaca A gigabit per second, that’s the future of home internet in South Korea pada blog ini

A gigabit per second, that's the future of home internet in South Korea

Internet.jpgSouth Korea, which already claims the world's fastest Internet connections globally, is looking to boost it even more. Choi Gwang-gi is overseeing South Korea's plan to connect every home in the country to the Internet at one gigabit per second by the end of next year, a tenfold increase from the current standard and 200 times faster than the average household in the United States. A pilot gigabit project is already underway by the government, with 5,000 households in five South Korean cities wired. Each customer pays about 30,000 won a month, or less than $27. While Americans are still far behind, at No. 2 is Hong Kong and No. 3 Japan, according to the Internet analyst Akamai Technologies. The South Korean project is also meant to increase wireless broadband services tenfold.

Best Wishes,

Tauseef Iqbal
  | Project Leader
Cara Saya berbagi tentang A gigabit per second, that’s the future of home internet in South Korea kepada teman-teman sobat blogger dirumah Tujuan artikel A gigabit per second, that’s the future of home internet in South Korea menambah wawasan Jika Sobat Suka Dengan A gigabit per second, that’s the future of home internet in South Korea dapat sharing dengan yang lainnya


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