Cara Saya berbagi tentang : 6 Most Thailand’s Got Talent 2011 Untuk Menambah Wawasan

Cara Saya berbagi tentang 6 Most Thailand’s Got Talent 2011 kepada teman-teman sobat blogger dirumah Tujuan artikel 6 Most Thailand’s Got Talent 2011 menambah wawasan Jika Sobat Suka Dengan 6 Most Thailand’s Got Talent 2011 dapat sharing dengan yang lainnya Ya udah Langsung saja Membaca 6 Most Thailand’s Got Talent 2011 pada blog ini
Thailand’s Got Talent, the local version of the worldwide TV franchise, has kicked off to nationwide acclaim. And just as the show has changed its format slightly to take Thai audiences into consideration, many of the talents have a distinctly Thai flavor.
The first round isn’t even over and already there have been more than a few unique, fantastic and "WTF is that?" performances.
Here are our six favorites to date, starting with the transgender who won a ton of praise for her vocal switcheroo.

1. Girl meets boy 

Everyone's in for a surprise when this lovely lady breaks into song.
Bell, 27, starts out singing in a beautiful soft voice. But just wait till this clip hits the 1:04 mark and things get much, much deeper.

2. One-handed guitarist

The day after this audition aired, people all over Thailand were talking about 29-year-old Somsak's heartbreaking story and his amazing skills.
Somsak lost the use of his left arm in a 2001 traffic accident in which his mother was also killed.
But that didn't stop the avid guitarist from overcoming his tragedy and teaching himself to play with just one hand. One warning: it's a tearjerker.

3. Universal pageantry, ladyboy style  

It wouldn't be a Thai talent show without a hot ladyboy cabaret style performance. If you've always wanted to see a group of katoeys in high heels do back handsprings in unison, this is your video.

4. Michael Jackson as the monkey god

Khon is the traditional battle between good and evil, a masked dance based on Ramakien, Thailand's national epic that's derived from the Indian Ramayana. Every local and tourist has seen it.
But in this version, Michael Jackson steps in to play the role of Hanuman the monkey god. Nothing 'bad' about that.

5. Little girl, big voice

Meet Kenika "First" Kienman, a 15-year-old from Saraburi with a set of pipes that defies her unassuming appearance.
This act has received mixed views. While thousands of Thais have fallen in love, online comments have been harsh. The next Susan Boyle? Maybe not. But hey, she's far more talented than Rebecca Black.
Either way, you can't deny Kenika has a pretty impressive range, rarely heard in the land of sugary sweet pop.

6. The exotic dancer

There's always one idiot who hops onstage to make a fool of himself. And here is Thailand's.
But don't let the blurred-out bits deceive. He's actually wearing a tight pink banana hammock, but the network deemed it a bit too risqué for dinner-time viewing. That, or they just wanted to save our appetites.
Thailand's Got Talent airs every Sunday at 5:45 p.m. on Channel 3. Highlights are posted regularly on the show's website, as well as its Youtube channel

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Cara Saya berbagi tentang 6 Most Thailand’s Got Talent 2011 kepada teman-teman sobat blogger dirumah Tujuan artikel 6 Most Thailand’s Got Talent 2011 menambah wawasan Jika Sobat Suka Dengan 6 Most Thailand’s Got Talent 2011 dapat sharing dengan yang lainnya


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