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Cara Saya berbagi tentang Cara Jailbreak iPad 2 ios 5 kepada teman-teman sobat blogger dirumah
Tujuan artikel Cara Jailbreak iPad 2 ios 5 menambah wawasan
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Jasa Upgrade, jailbreak, unlock, aplikasi, game iphone, ipad, ipod paling murah di jakarta, silahkan kunjungi itc cempaka mas blok f no.381 espress phone : call : 085640575730
Dibawah ini adalah Cara Jailbreak iPad 2 ios 5
Ada banyak cara untuk jailbreak iOS 5 device termasuk iPad 2 yang sudah tersedia program aplikasi jailbreaknya. Bisa dengan cara menghubungkan device anda ke komputer mac atau windows atau dengan cara yang lebih cepat dan mudah seperti yang disediakan oleh JailbreakMe 3.0, dan ini fully unthetered melalui iPad 2 Kunjungi, kami:
atau baca step by step tutorial dalam english di bawah ini :

Dibawah ini adalah Cara Jailbreak iPad 2 ios 5
Ada banyak cara untuk jailbreak iOS 5 device termasuk iPad 2 yang sudah tersedia program aplikasi jailbreaknya. Bisa dengan cara menghubungkan device anda ke komputer mac atau windows atau dengan cara yang lebih cepat dan mudah seperti yang disediakan oleh JailbreakMe 3.0, dan ini fully unthetered melalui iPad 2 Kunjungi, kami:
atau baca step by step tutorial dalam english di bawah ini :
iPhone Dev team has released the Redsn0w command line interface (CLI) tool to jailbreak iPhone 4S and iPad 2 for Windows users.
If you don't want to wait for Chronic Dev team to release Absinthe for Windows, then follow this step-by-step guide, which will take you through the procedure to jailbreak iPad 2 running iOS 5.0.1 or iOS 5 using Dev team's CLI tool.
Here are some important points to note before you proceed.
- This guide is only for the technically inclined and this should make it easier.
- This guide is meant for Windows users only, Mac users are better off using Absinthe, which is a GUI tool released by the iPhone Dev team. You can use the following step-by-step guides for iPhone 4S and this one for iPad 2.
- This guide is meant for iPad 2 users. iPhone 4S users can checkout this guide. iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS users can checkout this guide, iPod touch users can checkout this guide and iPad 1 users can checkout this guide.
- The CLI tool will perform an untethered jailbreak.
- Please note that jailbreaking your iPad may void your warranty and hence proceed with caution and at your own risk.
- Please do not forget to backup your iPad before you proceed. You can refer to this post for instructions on how to backup your iPad.
- Please ensure you've updated iTunes to the latest version (iTunes 10.5.3).
Step 1: Download the CLI tool from this link and save the zip file on the c: drive or whichever is your root drive.
Step 2: Double click the CLI zip file and extract the contents of the zip file.
Step 3: Connect your iPad 2 to the computer.
Step 4: Now go to the command prompt on your Windows computer with administrator privileges.
Step 5: Use the cd command to navigate to the cinject_0.4.3 folder where the required files are extracted.
Step 6: You need to execute the following command from the command prompt:
cinject.exe -i payloads/jailbreak.mobileconfig
Step 7: You should now see a window prompting you to Install Profile on your iPad. Tap on Install, then on the Install Now button, followed by Next (don't need to enter any password) and then the Done button.
Step 8: You need to execute the following commands from the command prompt:
cinject.exe -j payloads
Step 9: After the above command is successfully executed and you get the command prompt, execute this command:
cinject.exe -w
If this is successful, you should get the command prompt. If you don't get the command prompt don't worry, wait for the scrolling log to stop.
Step 10: Then launch the Settings app.
Step 11: Then tap on General, followed by Network and then tap on VPN.
Step 12: You will get a VPN error (ignore it) and then in less than a minute, your iPad 2 will reboot and at the same time you will notice errors in the command prompt, which is expected. After your iPad 2 has rebooted, you should be able to find the Cydia icon on your iPad's home screen.
After the jailbreaking process is complete, do not forget to checkout our article on tips to keep your iPad secure.
If you're new to the jailbreaking world and wondering what to do after jailbreaking your iPad, checkout our jailbreak apps category page to find out the apps you can install on your iPad using the Cydia app. Please note that some of the jailbreak apps and tweaks are still not compatible with iOS 5/iOS 5.0.1 so please be cautious while installing them.
Hope this helped. Please don't forget to let us know how it goes in the comments and drop us a line if you hit any issues and don't forget to give a donation to the jailbreak dream team for all their hard work.
Baca Juga : Cara Upgrade iOS 5 iPad 2
Jasa Upgrade, jailbreak, unlock, aplikasi, game iphone, ipad, ipod paling murah di jakarta, silahkan kunjungi itc cempaka mas blok f no.381 espress phone : call : 085640575730
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