Cara Saya berbagi tentang : AQW Trainers Le Bot 3.7 Untuk Menambah Wawasan
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Credits : JamesR's
Selamat Mencoba !!!
Cara Saya berbagi tentang AQW Trainers Le Bot 3.7 kepada teman-teman sobat blogger dirumah
Tujuan artikel AQW Trainers Le Bot 3.7 menambah wawasan
Jika Sobat Suka Dengan AQW Trainers Le Bot 3.7 dapat sharing dengan yang lainnya
I can confirm this is 100% safe, HOWEVER use at your own risk!
Current features(press F2 to show):
- Lag Killer;
- Auto use boosts(XP, CP, Gold and Rep);
- Trade Voucher for Diamond.
- 'Rest if HP is less than' button;
- Get boosts(XP, CP, REP and GOLD);
- Load Quest;
- Minimize to tray;
Botting features:
- 1vs1 Trophies;
- Alchemy Rep;
- Ancient Vitae;
- Arcangrove Rep;
- Alchemy reagents;
- Banished XP & Gold;
- Combat Trophies;
- Chronospan Rep;
- Dinocaves XP
- Dark Crystal Shards Bot(I recommend you bot on a full server like Twilly or Cysero, otherwise killing Vath will be tough!);
- Doomwood rep;
- Dwakel Gold;
- Dwarfhold rep;
- Escherion Helm bot[member only];
- Etherstorm Airstorm rep;
- Etherstorm war rep;
- Evil War(nulgath & Dage);
- Good & Evil + Tainted gem(requires rank 4 in both);
- Horc rep;
- Legion Insanely Insane bot;
- Legion tokens(Soul Collector and non Soul Collector)(Screen Hopping added);
- Lycan rep;
- Mana Golem bot;
- Mythsong rep;
- Spirit Orbs Bot;
- Swag Tokens (Auto conversion to A added!)[member only];
- Sandsea rep;
- Skyguard Rep[member only];
- Tainted Gems;
- Totems of Nulgath bot[Member & non-Member];
- Troll Rep;
- Troll + Horc;
- Undead Pirates XP bot;
- Vampire rep;
- Yokai rep;
Supported Classes:
- Healer
- Acolyte
- Witch
- Mage
- Sorcerer
- Warrior
- Warlord
- Beast Warrior
- Pumpkin Lord
- Rogue
- Barber
- Leprechaun
- Pirate
- Alpha Pirate
- Renegade
- Vampire
- Berserker
- Beta Berserker
- Ninja
- Assassin
- Enforcer
- Rustbucket
- Protosartorium
- Elemental Dracomancer
- Bard
- CardClasher
- Chaos Shaper
- Chronomancer
- ClawSuit
- Defender
- DoomKnight
- Dragonlord
- Dragonslayer
- Evolved Shaman
- Evolved ClawSuit
- Giftbox
- Guardian
- Necromancer
- Paladin
- Ranger
- Troll Spellsmith
- Shaman
- Starlord
- UndeadSlayer
- Vindicator Of They
- MindBreaker
- Pyromancer
- Darkside
- Blood Ancient
- Chaos Shaper
- Chronomancer
- DeathKnight
- Skyguard Grenadier
Selamat Mencoba !!!
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